Cigarettes & Set Lists
Sup Buttercups-
I know you may think that I've forgotten about you, but that's never the case. I've just been busy, tired, and a lazy pizza shit.

A flattering photo of me I know. This photo is actually from the last gig of our first sprint tour at the Bremen Cafe in Milwaukee, WI. Galen (my touring partner) is the guy in the flannel directly behind me. The rest are the awesome wonderful people that stayed around after the show to drown us in shots and other fun stuff.
We've been getting this new album out into the hands of people that see us live, and we keep fucking running out (which is rad af)!
Galen (my musical heterosexual life partner) has joined me in pursuit of cheap liquor and good people while on the road playing music. It's all really felt like a dream come true. We're back in Minneapolis now, grinding that 9-5 but we will be back on the road again in full force.
For those of you who read these blog posts, I appreciate you more than you know. Ill be doing it more frequently (I promise).
More news is that I'll be once again posting videos to my YouTube channel again ( ) and Galen will also be appearing more and more in them as he's now sucked into all of my workings... whether he likes it or not.
We're planning trips to Denver, Phoenix, San Francisco, and a hell of a lot more in the midwest- cause let's face it I'm broke and already stuck out here.
Are you in the midwest with a town that no one's heard of that you want two raging drunken and slimmer versions of Tenacious D? Let me know in my contact section on my website and we'll come rock your local hole in the wall.
Merchandise is coming, and so am I. Lol gross.
But enough about what's going on with all that, let's get to stories from on the road!
We went to new towns, and met some super strange people. We also met some super rad, and talented people. It was pretty amazing.
We bought a camera and brought it around with us (my go pro is dead af). So there will soon be videos up (as soon as my lazy ass get's around to chopping that shit up.
That's about it for today. Thanks for the love. I love y'all back more.
Until next time. Later Skaters.
-Kyle (BuhDihKuh) Arneson